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Mutate IO Game Review

Mutate.io is also known as Mutatio. It is a multiplayer version of agar.io. Players are able to control small creatures they can feed, grow in size, transform and even use to attack opponents.
This game was made for an event called the Pygame Community New Years jam (theme: mutation) It was my first attempt using the jam as a way to gain knowledge about networking as well as play around with the game development practices that I’m still not familiar with (e.g. The less global state
The sole server available is mine:, and I will most likely continue to host it for at most a month after the launch. Maximum simultaneous clients permitted is 10.
If you’re looking for more information about server or client issues, go through the README.
Discord ID: #9563
Versions: Version 1.0.1 was published before the close of the jamversion 1.0.2 included some minor bugs fixings to the server.py file that was causing rapid disconnections between clients. “Slim” Versions are compile versions in which I have tried to eliminate any DLLs, folders, or any other file that I believe that you do not need to run the application. Use at your own discretion.

As reviewed by mitsuki bakugou porn comics

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